30+ FUN and Easy Summer Crafts (2025)

Looking for summer crafts for kids?

I have 30+ adorable summer crafts that will keep your little one’s busy ALL summer!

Let’s get started!

#1: Puffy Paint Popsicles

Making your own puffy paint is fun and easy! This popsicle craft is great for a summer craft.

I love the added poms and sprinkles on the popsicles!

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

food coloring

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B. Set-up

Make puffy paint by mixing equal parts of Elmer’s white glue and foam shaving cream together in a bowl. Add the food coloring and stir.

Create a popsicle shape on cardstock paper and cut it out. It has to be cardstock paper to hold the puffy paint.

YouTube video

C. Activity

Scoop out the puffy paint and spread it out around the popsicle shape.

You can make the popsicle several different colors or just one!

Add sprinkles and poms on at the end and let it dry overnight. Feel it in the morning to see how soft and squishy it is.

#2: Ice Paints

Creating ice paints is super easy and fun for kids to use as a summer craft.

This can be an indoor fun craft to do on a hot summer day.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

B. Set-up

Add some washable paint into the paint tray. We got a large silicone square ice mold for this so the paints were larger.

I didn’t measure this out at all, I just dumped some paint and water in the mold.

Then, add water in the tray and mix each one up with a popsicle stick or spoon.

YouTube video

C. Activity

Break a popsicle stick in half and place one in each section of the paints so it’s easy for the kids to use.

Then, stick the paints in the freezer overnight.

Pull them out and run the bottom under warm water for a few seconds to loosen up the ice paints and pull them out.

Have the kids create lines, color in pictures, or create designs of their own!

#3: Boat Crafts

Make your own boats this summer for your kids to play with in the water!

This is great to make for the pool, water table, or even just a plastic container. This summer activity is perfect for kids.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • pool noodles
  • knife (adult will use)
  • wine corks
  • small rubber bands
  • sponges
  • skewers
  • foam paper
  • scissors

B. Set-up

Cut the pool noodle into small sections using a knife. The adult will do this part of the project.

Grab the rest of your supplies to make the boats!

YouTube video

C. Activity

Create a triangle shape out of foam paper and cut it out. Then, cut a skewer to be able to fit on the foam paper. Poke holes at the bottom and top of the foam paper to make the sail. You will do this for each of the types of boats.

To make the wine cork boats, grab 3 wine corks and wrap two small rubber bands around them to hold them together. Then, poke the skewer through the middle wine cork to make the boat!

Create the sponge boats by cutting a little off of the sponge so it’s not so big. Then, poke the skewer through to make the boat. I suggest using a more heavy-duty sponge, we used the dollar store brand, and it didn’t hold up as well.

Lastly, make the pool noodle boats by poking the skewer through one side of the pool noodle, and you have three boats!

Add water to a sensory bin. You can use blue food coloring to color it or leave it the way it is.

Let the kids play with the boats by using a straw to blow them around. They can also just play with them with their hands or even add small toys to them.

#4: DIY Lava Lamps

One of our favorite experiments to do at home is to make our own lava lamps!

This is a great summer craft and activity! It’s super easy and fun to do too.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

B. Set-up

In your jars, fill it half way up with baby oil. We use larger jars, but any glass cup or jar will work. Fill it half way so when you add the Alka-Seltzer it does overflow.

C. Activity

In small bowls, add a few squirts of acrylic paint. We used red, white, and blue for this experiment! This is perfect for Memorial Day or July 4th.

Then, mix a tablespoon of water with the acrylic paint in the bowl.

Dump that mixture into your glass jar with the baby oil.

If you want to add glitter or stars, you can do this! This is completely optional. It’s just a fun addition to the activity to see them move in the lava lamps.

Lastly, when you are ready, break up an Alka-Selter tablet and drop all the pieces into the jar/glass.

Check out your lava lamps!! This experiment lasts for a few minutes, you can always add more Alka-Seltzer tablets to keep it going!

I suggest adding an art tray underneath your experiment so if it overflowers it will make for easy clean up!

#5: Plate Sunshine

Looking for ways to keep your kids learning over summer break? This is a fun summer craft to practice the alphabet.

I love how bright this sun craft is! This craft also works on strengthening fine motor skills.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

B. Set-up

Paint your paper plate yellow using acrylic paint. We like to use acrylic paint because the colors turn out bolder.

While you are waiting for the plate to dry, write the letters on your clothespins. We practiced matching upper to lower case letters but you can also practice matching the same letters.

YouTube video

C. Activity

Onec the plate is dry, create a face for the sun! Then, write the letters around the sun on the outside of the plate.

Have the kids match up the letters with the clothespin. They will open the clothespin and attach it to the correct letter.

Have the kids say the letters out loud so you know they know what each letter is.

RELATED: Alphabet Activities for Kids

#6: Sponge Balls

This is a must try summer craft and activity to do with your kids.

They are easy to make, the kids had a blast, and there weren’t a million pieces to pick up like there would be if you used water ballons.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

B. Set-up

Cut your sponges into 4 rectangular pieces. You need two sponges to make 1 sponge ball. So, there should be 8 rectangles total for each one.

Stack them on top of each other and tie them together using a string (tie tight).

YouTube video

C. Activity

Take these outside and play! The kids can dip them into water and have a water balloon fight, play catch, and so much more.

For other fun outdoor ideas, check out my outdoor activities article.

RELATED: Outdoor Games for Kids

#7: Flip-Flop Craft

This is the cutest keepsake summer craft that is a must-do activity!

I love seeing the kid’s feet and handprints in art projects. It seriously never gets old to me.

flip flop craft

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

B. Set-up

Dump some paint on an art tray! Have your little one stick one foot onto the tray.

C. Activity

Guide the foot onto a piece of paper! Press their foot down, so their toes and footprints show up good!

Wash off their foot, then have the kids dip their other foot into the paint and repeat!

Cut around the footprint so there is a little paper still on it to look like a sandal.

Cut a few pieces of pipe cleaner to be the center of the shoe! Hot glue those down on both ends to make sure they stay.

Write the kid’s initials with the year to remember when you did it!

#8: Pasta Pineapple

Pasta-painted activities have quickly become one of my favorite art activities to do with the kids.

The process is fun for them, it’s easy, and it always turns out so stinking cute.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

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B. Set-up

Dump some wheel pasta in a plastic bag. Also, dump some yellow acrylic paint in the bag, shake it up, and dump it out on parchment paper on an art tray.

Repeat this process with green paint and the bow tie pasta.

C. Activity

Use the FREE pineapple template or draw a pineapple shape on cardboard.

Paint the bottom of the pineapple yellow and the stem green.

Glue on googly eyes and draw a mouth with a marker.

Squirt glue onto the yellow parts and start adding on the wheel pasta. Then, add on the green bow-tie pasta noodles!

YouTube video

RELATED: Sensory Activities for Kids

#9: Watermelon Handprint

This watermelon handprint craft is adorable for a kick off to summer craft for the end of the year.

Handprint crafts are the best. They are always the crafst we end up keeping throughout the years.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • cardstock paper
  • acrylic paint

B. Set-up

Paint your child’s upper hand and fingers pink. Then, on the lower end on their hand, make white strip and a green strip at the bottom for the rind.

C. Activity

Plave their hand down on cardstock paper and press their entire hand down to ensure it will all show up.

Slowly peel it up! Then, have the kids make black fingerprints for the watermelon seeds.

Write a fun summer message on the card. This can be a keepsake fro your family or you can give it to your child’s teacher or a family member.

#10: Tie Dye Beach Towels

Tie-dying is such a fun summer craft to do with your kids!

This method of tie-dying is EASY for the kids to do because all they have to do is spray the tie-dye paint onto a towel!

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

tie dye spray kit

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B. Set-up

Lay out the white towel and use duct tape to form the letters of your child’s name on the towel.

Then, add water to the spray bottles with the tie-dye powder.

YouTube video

C. Activity

Spread out a tablecloth down on the ground. You can do this on cement or grass. I suggest doing it on the grass because tie-dye can stain the cement.

Then, lay out the towel! Have the kids start spraying the towel with the tie-dye paint! They should paint the entire towel and not leave any white spots.

Let it air dry. Then, peel off the tape to reveal your kids’ names! Once one side is dry, you can flip it over and paint the other side if it didn’t go all the way through. The spray bottles tend to be weaker than the squirt bottles, so they may not soak through.

Follow the steps to ensure the tie-dye color stays!

#11: Plate Crab Craft

What an adorable summer craft for kids! Your kids can even play with these when they are done creating.

You just need a few supplies to pull off this cute activity.

crab paper plate craft

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

acrylic paint set

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B. Set-up

Fold a paper plate in half and paint it red.

Fold a piece of red cardstock in half! Then, create a rectangle for the eyes, claws, and two sets of legs. Do this on the crease of the paper, so it makes double (makes it go faster!)

C. Activity

Cut out all the parts made from cardstock and glue them on using hot glue if you are in a rush. If you aren’t, you can use regular glue.

Add some googly eyes to the rectangles!

You can rock these back and forth if placed on a flat surface for some extra fun.

RELATED: Crab Crafts for Kids

#12: Jellyfish Threading

We LOVE using Fruit Loops for activities. So adding this fun snack is always a huge hit.

This jellyfish activity is a great summer craft and activity for kids! Especially toddlers and preschoolers.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

art trays

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B. Set-up

Create a jellyfish shape out of paper and crayons! Then, let your little one color the jellyfish!

Grab some pipe cleaners and tape them to the back of the jellyfish.

C. Activity

Your child should work on color sorting by threading the correct color Fruit Loop on the pipe cleaners!

You can have them sort the Fruit Loops by color first, or they can just grab them from a bowl and place them on the pipe cleaner.

RELATED: Fine Motor Activities for Kids

#13: Squirt Art

Looking for a fun new way to paint with your kids? This is a must try summer craft.

They will love using a squirt gun to paint and create a masterpiece! This process to this art project is WAY too much fun!

squirt gun painting

How to do this activity

A.  Materials you need

liquid watercolors

View Amazons Price

B. Set-up

Put the liquid watercolors in each squirt gun! I used 4 squirt guns with different colors inside.

YouTube video

C. Activity

Let the kids spray away! Easy as that. They will LOVE seeing the colors appear and drip down the canvas!

#14: Splat Art Butterfly

Splat art is a fun process for kids to create! They love being able to smoosh the paper together and reveal the other side.

This summer craft turns out so pretty!

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

B. Set-up

Create a butterfly shape on black cardstock paper and cut it out.

YouTube video

C. Activity

Use a Q-tip and dip it into paint and use it as a paintbrush to create your butterfly designs. You’ll make the design on one side of the butterflies wing.

Then, fold the butterfly shape over and press down around the entire shape.

Then, peel it open to reveal the symmetry on the other side! This is such a fun process.

Lastly, create the middle of the butterfly by drawing an oval shape. Make paper antenna and glue it of the back of the butterfly.

RELATED: Butterfly Crafts

#15: Fingerprint Snails

These snail plates are just the cutest and super easy to make.

This summer craft is an adorable keepsake with fingerprints on the shells.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • small paper plates
  • acrylic paint
  • glue
  • googly eyes
  • paper
  • art mat

B. Set-up

Make a snail body shape out of colored paper and cut it out.

We also made grass out of a strip of green paper by cutting small slits throughout the entire strip.

C. Activity

Paste the grass on the bottom of a white piece of paper. Then, paste the snail shape you created just above the paper.

Add googly eyes and a smile to finish the face of the snail.

Then, on a small paper plate, have the kids create fingerprints all over the shell! Paste the shell on top of the snail’s body!

How adorable is this insect craft?

RELATED: Insect Crafts for Kids

#16: Puffy Paint Ice Cream

Puffy paint couldn’t be easier to make, and it feels so awesome when it dries!

The kids will love the process of this different art project! Making ice cream cone art is TOO much fun for the summer.

puffy paint ice cream

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

Click HERE for your FREE Summer Image

food coloring

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B. Set-up

Make puffy paint by mixing equal parts of Elmer’s white glue and foam shaving cream together in a bowl. Add the food coloring and stir.

Create a cone shape using brown construction paper and paste it to white paper.

C. Activity

Scoop out the puffy paint and spread it out around the printable to create ice cream cones!

You can make the cone in several different colors or just one!

Add sprinkles on at the end and let it dry overnight. Feel it in the morning to see how soft and squishy it is.

#17: Lemonade Craft

Ice-cold lemonade is the best on a hot summer day! This craft just screams for a perfect summer craft!

The kids will love using sponges to create this craft with!

lemonade craft

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

hot glue gun

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B. Set-up

Create a cup shape using a pencil on cardboard.

Cut it out using a box cutter, and then paint it pink or yellow with acrylic paint!

Cut a lemon in half and get some yellow acrylic paint ready for the kids.

C. Activity

Have the kids dip the cut lemon in yellow paint. They want to make sure that too much isn’t on the lemon, or it will not make the best prints.

They will make several prints on each cup. Then, they will paint a few white ice cubes on cardboard.

Hot glue a straw in the center of the cup and bend it, so it looks like it’s ready to drink!

This will look so good; you will have to grab some lemonade after making it!

#18: DIY Sidewalk Chalk Paint

Making your own sidewalk chalk is easy, and it’s a fun summer craft and activity to do with the kids.

I love that you can use squirt bottles for this type of sidewalk chalk! It’s something fun and different.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • water
  • cornstarch
  • baking soda
  • food coloring
  • squirt bottles/muffin tin

B. Set-up

Mix one cup of water and 1/2 cup of cornstarch together in a bowl. Add 1/3 cup baking soda and mix again!

Then, add the color of the food coloring that you want.

Repeat this process for each color that you want to create.

YouTube video

C. Activity

Pour into the squirt bottles of create this in a muffin tray!

Then, let the kids go outside and paint with the sidewalk chalk. This comes up easily off the cement, I just recommend removing it after playing with a hose and not letting it dry!

#19: Paper Plate Fish Craft

Here is another simple and fun paper plate summer craft for kids. I love how colorful and easy this craft is!

Kids will love creating this fish craft!

paper plate fish craft

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • paper plate
  • acrylic paint
  • cardstock paper
  • glue stick
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • googly eye
  • paintbrush

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B. Set-up

Create a cut in the middle of the plate to be the mouth for the fish! The piece you cut out will actually become the tail.

Then, use acrylic paint to paint the paper plate. We use acrylic paint because it dries faster than washable paint.

C. Activity

To create the scales for the fish, you’ll fold a piece of cardstock paper and draw semi-circles on the edges so they pop up!

The kids can cut them out, or you can! Then, they will use a glue stick to glue the scales on. We alternated a few different colors! You can do this or keep it one color.

Glue the tail on the fish and add a googly eye to complete the craft!

RELATED: Fish Crafts for Kids

#20: Fingerprint Pineapple

This is an adorable summer craft for kids, and it’s so simple!

Plus, it’s a cute keepsake with handprints on the top of the pineapple.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

B. Set-up

Create an oval shape for the pineapple, and have your child work on cutting skills to cut it out!

Then, fold a piece of green construction paper in half and trace your child’s hand on it to make two copies!

C. Activity

Have your child paste the oval onto paper and paste their handprints at the top of the oval to make the pineapple.

Then, have them create fingerprints on the inside part of the pineapple with orange and yellow paint!

This is such a simple and adorable summer craft.

#21: Starfish Craft

I love this fun starfish craft for kids. It’s colorful and turns out so cute.

It’s perfect for a summer craft for kids. I love all the different supplies you can use to make them look different.

starfish ocean craft for kids

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • cardboard
  • acrylic paint
  • glitter glue
  • salt
  • glue
  • watercolors
  • buttons
  • poms
  • Fruit Loops
  • paintbrush
  • box cutter

B. Set-up

Make a star shape on cardboard using a pencil. Then, cut it out using a box cutter. Then, you can either paint the starfish or leave it blank. We did both versions.

C. Activity

Have the kids grab the supplies they want to decorate the starfish. We used all the supplies you see on the list. I even had the kids salt paint some of them (those are my favorites).

Check out how to salt paint in Craft #10.

Kids will glue on the supplies if they are choosing to use buttons, poms, or Fruit Loops. Lastly, add googly eyes and a smile to make the cutest little starfish craft.

RELATED: Earth Day Crafts

#22: Shark Plate Craft

Who’s kiddo loves sharks? Sharks are probably one of the most popular animals when it comes to summer crafts for kids.

All I can think about when I see this craft is the song Baby Shark.

shark paper plate craft

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

B. Set-up

Fold a paper plate and paint the front blue!

Draw two fins and a tail using cardstock paper.

C. Activity

Using a glue stick, put one fin on the front of the plate and one fin on the back to be the dorsal fin.

Paste the tail on the inside of the plate so it’s sticking out of the side!

Add on googly eyes and draw on a smile! If you want to add teeth, use a Q-tip and dip it in white paint to make teeth by the mouth!

RELATED: Ocean Crafts for Kids

#23: Pasta Flamingo Craft

This is such a fun sensory bird craft for kids! Flamingos are great to create as a summer craft because the colors are so bright.

The bow-tie pasta noodles are perfect for the flamingo’s feathers!

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • acrylic paint
  • paintbrushes
  • googly eyes
  • parchment paper
  • tray

B. Set-up

Draw your flamingo shape on paper.

Then, have the kids start painting the pasta noodles! We painted them by hand with acrylic paint since there weren’t that many noodles.

When you paint the noodles, place a piece of parchment paper down on a tray and let the noodles dry on the paper.

C. Activity

While you are waiting for the noodles to dry, have the kids paint the flamingo that you drew!

Use glue to stick the noodles onto the back of the flamingo to make it look like feathers.

Then, paint on the legs. For the feet, we broke a noodle in half and painted it yellow.

RELATED: Bird Crafts for Kids

#24: Free Summer Color by Codes

This color-by-code summer craft is a fun way for kids to work on numbers! There are 7 FREE coloring pages included in this pack.

My son loves the color-by-code printables SO much! They are by far his favorite learning activity.

summer free color by code

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • Color by Code sheets
  • crayons
  • markers

Click HERE for your FREE Summer Color by Code

B. Set-up

Print off the sheets that you want to use!

C. Activity

Make sure your child understands how to read the key at the top of the page. Then, they will color each number in the picture based on what the key says.

These are my kid’s favorite out of all the printables I create. They love revealing the picture at the end!

#25: DIY Washable Window Paints

I have such a fun way to keep your little ones busy outside so you can sit and relax!

What a fun summer activity for kids! It’s simple to put together and only a few ingriendents.

YouTube video

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

B. Set-up

Add about 4-5 tablespoons of dish soap to each compartment of the muffin tin. Then, dump in 3-4 tablespoons of washable paint. Lastly, mix in a little bit of flour to each one to get your desired consistency.

C. Activity

I used a straw to mix up the paints, this was an easy way to mix them without spilling over to the other colored paints.

Take it outside and let the kids use paintbrushes to paint on the windows! They can get creative and draw pictures or just explore the paints by color mixing and making their own designs.

Once they are all done, spray off the window using a hose. We did this immediately after we were done, I would suggest doing this to ensure that it comes off.

This is the perfect summer art activity for kids!

#26: Paper Plate Flag Craft

Creating a flag is the PERFECT summer craft for July 4th. We love using paper plates for crafting because it’s so simple.

What is fun about this craft is that we used streamers! This is a beautiful flag craft to hang up at home.

paper plate American flag craft

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • paper plate
  • tape
  • streamer
  • acrylic paint
  • paintbrush
  • sponge

B. Set-up

Cut a paper plate in half and paint it blue using acrylic paint! Let this dry; it’ll take about a half-hour to dry.

C. Activity

Cut red and white streamers. They should be about the same length!

Once the paper plate is dry, the kids can tape the steamers onto the back of the paper plate. They should alternate the colors of the steamers.

Lastly, create a star shape on a sponge. Then, cut it out and dip it into the paint. The kids will make star prints on top of the blue paint!

This is a cute and easy Fourth of July craft for toddlers and preschoolers.

RELATED: July 4th Crafts

#27: Father’s Day Rock Craft

Father’s Day is in the summer, and this is a great summer craft for your kids to do for dad!

The kids loved collecting rocks for this Father’s Day craft.

my dad rocks picture frame craft

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

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B. Set-up

Have the kids paint the picture frame using acrylic paint. We chose the color brown to go along with the colors of the rocks, but you can use whatever color you would like.

While you are waiting for it to dry, they can go search for some rocks! You can also buy craft rocks instead if you don’t have rocks around your house (I have linked some above).

C. Activity

The adult will do this part of the project. You will hot glue the rocks they have found to the sides of the picture frame.

Then, the kids can write “my daddy rocks” on the frame using an acrylic paint marker. These markers show up great, especially on dark colors!

Add a special picture of the kids and their dad! He will love adding this to his office or around the house.

RELATED: Father’s Day Crafts

#28: Stained Glass Window

Make your own stained glass windows at home with this fun and simple recipe!

This is a great summer craft to do on a day when the kids need to get out of the sun for a bit.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • washable paint
  • masking tape
  • dish soap
  • water
  • paintbrushes

B. Set-up

Use masking tape to make your design on the windows!

YouTube video

C. Activity

Make the stained glass window paint by mixing washable paint, a splash of dish soap, and a splash of water in a muffin tray.

I did not measure exact amounts, just make sure not to add too much water, or it will be too drippy.

Paint the window using a paintbrush! You may need a few layers of paint to get it to look the way you want.

Slowly peel off the tape to reveal what your stained glass window looks like!

Use window cleaner to get the paint off your window.

#29: Rocking Sailboat Craft

Making a boat craft is the perfect summer craft for kids!

Making these sailboats are SO fun, and it’s a simple project that the kids can play with after creating.

sailboat paper plate craft

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • paper plate
  • do-a-dot markers
  • acrylic paint
  • popsicle sticks
  • hot glue

B. Set-up

Fold a paper plate in half. Then, have the kids create the bottom of the boat by using paint, do-a-dot markers, or other art supplies you have on hand!

C. Activity

Hot glue a popsicle stick to the back of the paper plate. Then, create a triangle shape on a piece of paper.

Have the kids decorate the boat’s sail using those different art supplies! They can create dots, stripes, or small designs!

Once it’s all dry, stand the boat up and rock it back and forth! This will be so fun for the kids to see and play with!

RELATED: Fun Activities for Toddlers

#30: Flower Pot Crafting

Create these beautiful flower planters for your flowers this summer!

This also makes a great gift for Mother’s Day, teachers, or someone special. It’s the perfect summer craft for kids to make.

flower pot crafts for kids

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

B. Set-up

Before painting your flower pot, make sure to spray it with a clear sealer outdoors. We did this a day before we did the project because it tends to have a smell to it, and I wanted it to be all dry and ready to go for them the next day!

YouTube video

C. Activity

The kids will paint the pots using acrylic paint. To ensure the kids won’t get stains on their clothes, we used our apron from KiwiCo. I really recommend this product for this activity and any other art activity!

Wait for your flower pots to dry (this will take about 30 minutes to dry completely).

Then, use acrylic paint markers to draw designs on them! We used our KiwiCo acrylic paint markers (my new favorite supply). I love the fact that they have the look of acrylic paint, they are easy for the kids to use, and it dries quickly!

We made a watermelon pot, a teacher’s gift (thanks for helping me grow), and we did some fingerprint flowers!

When the kids are all done making their designs, use the sealer one more time to coat the paint so it won’t wash off when it rains outside!  Then, add your flowers in the pot!

This is such a beautiful craft and a great way to teach children how to garden and take care of plants!

RELATED: Flower Crafts for Kids

#31: Leaf Prints

This is a must-try summer craft with the kids. The prints turn out absolutely beautiful!

Your kids will love searching for leaves outside for this project. Have them look for different shapes and sizes of leaves.

leaf print art

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • leaves
  • washable paint
  • cardstock paper
  • art tray
  • paint tray
  • paintbrush
washable paint

View Amazon’s Price

B. Set-up

Grab some leaves from outside! Try to search for leaves that don’t have any holes in them. This will make the prints turn out the best.

YouTube video

C. Activity

The kids will paint the leaves. They can use whatever colors they like. We chose to use rainbow colors!

They will paint the side of the leaf with the ridges so they show up on the paper.

Flip the leaf over and make sure to press down on the entire leaf to make the whole print show up. Slowly lift it up to make sure it doesn’t get smudged.

Check out your amazing leaf prints! This is such a beautiful leaf craft.

RELATED: Leaf Crafts for Kids

#32: Free Summer Memory Book

This is a wonderful summer craft and activity book to work on throughout the summer time with your kids!

It’s a great way to remember the most important and fun things that happened during each summer vacation.

How to do this activity

A. Materials you need

  • free printable
  • crayons
  • markers
  • photos
  • tape
  • stapler
  • paper
Click HERE to grab your FREE summer memory book

B. Set-up

Print off the sheets to complete the book! Grab all your supplies.

YouTube video

C. Activity

Have your kids complete the pages of this book. This is a project that your kids will work on throughout the summer.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

I hope you found some summer crafts and activities for the kids to do this summer!

I am always looking for ways to entertain my kids over the summer.

Happy Crafting!


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